Congratulations to
SLO Architecture on winning the inaugural
Dwell Vision Award for their
Harvest Dome 2.0. The project—a pavilion floating on the Bronx River that is made from old umbrellas and plastic bottles—is about as far removed from the modern residences that usually line the pages of
Dwell, but as the magazine's president and publisher Michela O’Connor Abrams said in the announcement at
Jane's Carousel in Brooklyn last week, the prize is about innovation that is technically and artistically groundbreaking. Below are some of my photos from the event last week.
SLO Architecture is raising money to bring the Harvest Dome 2.0 to the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, so check out
the Kickstarter page for more information and to make a donation.

Dwell's Michela O’Connor Abrams speaking before the award announcement:
Dwell editor in chief Amanda Dameron (left) and award recipients Amanda Schachter and Alexander Levi of SLO Architecture:

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