Last year
Knoll moved from Chelsea to Midtown, having been booted out of the historic full-block Port Authority building that Google
bought in 2010 for nearly $2 billion. Its new location should give the furniture company more exposure, since they now have a storefront presence on Sixth Avenue between 53rd and 54th Streets, not to mention space on three more floors above. The
award-winning showroom, offices and store are designed by Architecture Research Office (
ARO), and a highlight of their design is a staircase covered in wool felt that connects the showroom and the main office level. Fittingly, the felt is Knoll's signature orange.

[Photograph by Elizabeth Felicella. Photos via
Interior Design]

[Photograph by Eric Laignel]

[Photograph by Elizabeth Felicella]

[Photograph by Eric Laignel]
ARO's video "How to Wrap a Stair in Felt":
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