The fourth-semester project last year for architecture students at the FH Köln was a falconry, which we knew was supposed to actually be built on the grounds of a garden-exhibit in Zülpich, near Köln. So we approached the powers that be with 30 of the 120 designs which had been submitted, and one, designed by Viviane Bonfanti, was actually selected for realization. A group of 4 students were assisted by myself and 2 other professors and, with the help of a structural engineer, worked out all the details and logistics to make the theory reality.*Project team:
We found a sponsor willing to pay for the materials and a local vocational school with an interested teacher and group of ongoing carpenters with a sense of adventure who then volunteered to build it.
So two weeks ago [as of January 29], after we laid the sole plate, the architecture students coordinated the erection of the rough-construction over the course of one week.
FH Köln Students: Viviane Bonfanti, Patrick Müller, Nadja Thielen, Nina Wester
FH Köln Faculty: Prof. Peter Scheder, Prof. i.V. Susanne Kohte, Prof. i.V. Chris Schroeer-Heiermann

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